Worldgroup Release 10

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Worldgroup Release 10

Post by ptaylor2 »

How do I get the netlnet server to work on the WorldGroup or mbbs Release 10 please?

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Re: Worldgroup Release 10

Post by Duckula »

Do you mean telnet? If you could explain what you are trying to do, what you have done so far and what is not working that would help to narrow down how to assist you.
-- Duckula

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Re: Worldgroup Release 10

Post by ptaylor2 »

I was able to fix the install issue bui when running the offline utility I keep getting error 20 open the files .dat. For example wgsrbt Error 20 wgsmenu2.dat. How can I fix that issue please?

One other wht is the easy way to edit the login screen. What is a easy way to do it then from editing the the file then trying to edit it while I am logged on to the bbs using sysop remote menu?
What is the file name that I need to edit please?


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Re: Worldgroup Release 10

Post by Duckula »

Are you running WG as an administrator? Not only with an Admin account but right-click 'run as administrator' on wgsappgo.exe?

When you say login screen - what exactly are you wanting to change? Almost all options are done using WGSCNF.EXE and visual items are under 'Text Blocks'.
-- Duckula

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Re: Worldgroup Release 10

Post by ptaylor2 »

Trying to change the login message that is displayed after the users connect to the telnet server.

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Re: Worldgroup Release 10

Post by Duckula »

This is done through the Worldgroup Configuration Editor (WGSCNF.EXE) where you can change all system related settings, including the text blocks.
-- Duckula

// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner

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