MBBS v10 Beta R30 released

Announcements on The Major BBS v10
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MBBS v10 Beta R30 released

Post by Duckula »

Hi All,

As part of a new naming convention, all future releases of MBBS v10 will contain a release number to make it easier to identify.

As part of Release 30 (R30) the following changes have been included:

- Re-introduced real-time interrupts which will allow Flash games to be played again!
- Fixed bug preventing access to classes in remote sysop menu
- Updated System Information in the about screen
- Added icons for each CNF editor level as some options were not being displayed

The upgrade and full installer can be found at: www.themajorbbs.com/files
-- Duckula

// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner

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