Tele-Arena Warfare

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Joined: Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:39 am

Tele-Arena Warfare

Post by daniel_spain »

this nasty guy here is my newest creation! this game is built for pvp enthusiasts , there are 2 factions each with 10 races each and when you join a faction you can only ever group and do things with others in you're faction as the others are the ENEMY!
you get your own towns and the area surrounding that town is always friendly territory but outside that is no holds barred!
when you kill players you actually get to take what they were carrying and if you kill a monster in the presence of enemies and then kill those enemies you get bonus exp! this game is built for the ones that love to kill other players all while enjoying the game! This is also the first of my Tele-Arena series games where you can be resurrected when you die instead of being booted from the game. You stay as a ghost until you either get revived, or time out and enter the temple. There is so many things I intended to do with this game and I am always seeking anyone wanting to join in. on the design team to create a perfect pvpve experience! this game as of ow is play-only but will definitely seek to release it when its done.

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