Update #11

All official announcements will be posted here
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Posts: 384
Joined: Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:19 am

Update #11

Post by Duckula »

Hi All,

Plenty has been happening since the last update and below is a summary of the highlights.

- On August 6th we remembered the passing of the man that started it all, Tim Stryker. Rest in peace.
- The Major BBS v10 open beta upgrade was released, thanks to all the sites that have upgraded
- A full standalone installer is being built and will be released when v10 is ready for general availability (hopefully in the next 4-6 weeks)
- Work continues on an HTTP API by BadOpCode
- Megalith has joined the development team - welcome!
- It has been 1 year since I took over the Galacticomm IP and I wanted to thank everyone in the community for their support during this time

Until next update, take care.
-- Duckula

// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner
