Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

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Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by ptaylor2 »

There is no really good docs that explain how to run 16 & 32 bit
msdos games on Major BBS. This instruction will explain how to set
it up.

before you get started you will need a second windows PC running
Windows 7, 8 or 10.

1. Download & install GameServer.

2. Edit the Gamserver.ini file that is located in the config directory.

3. Download The updated rlogin for Major BBS and install it in the
c:\wgserv directory.

4. Add this to your Major BBS menu:

GamServer IP Addres -p 513 -d Game-Code

5. The game code is located in the Gamserv\door directory and
the file name .ini is the game code.

To enable 16 bit programs to run under windows follow these

1. click on windows and do a search for windows Features
2. You will have to enable Legacy Compents
3. Click to enable NTVDM.
4. You might have to be administraot but type:
FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NTVDM and click on
install features.

5. Now press the windows key and press + R and type regedit.
You will have to run this as administrator.

6. Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\
Windows and create a new key Name the new key "AppCompat"
(without quotes) and press Enter.

7. Highlight the AppCompat key and then right click at the
right pane and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value.

8. Name the new value "VDMDisallowed" (without quotes) and
press Enter..

9. Double click at the VDMDisallowed value and type 0 in the
data box.

9. Click OK when done and close Registry Editor.

10. Restart your computer.

Under the dos properties enable Use legacy console.

All the files files is available on majorbbs.ddnsfree.com
port 4000

Your done.

│╔═ Edit Module ═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗
│║ Page Name: USURPER ║
│║ Use as a Menu, Module or File? Module Page ║
│║ Allow "GO" to this module? Yes ║
│║ Key Required for "GO": ║
│║ Module Name: Rlogin Client ║
│║ Display Module Page Header? Yes ║
│║ ║
├║ Command String: ║
├║ GameServer IP Address -p 514 -d USURPER ║
├║ ║
├║ Return to Menu Tree? ║

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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by ewx »


Out of curiosity, where did you get this gameserver.exe file? I looked at the list of files on the majorbbs list; but can't seem to see it.



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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by Duckula »

GHost/2 now exists and is a project by one of our community members. It is designed as a replacement for gameserver.

You can find it here: https://github.com/TheMajorBBS/GHost2
-- Duckula

// Site admin
// Galacticomm IP owner

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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by ewx »

Hi Duckula,

Thanks for the clarification.


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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by ewx »

ptaylor2 wrote:
> To enable 16 bit programs to run under windows follow these
> steps:
> 1. click on windows and do a search for windows Features
> 2. You will have to enable Legacy Compents
> 3. Click to enable NTVDM.
> 4. You might have to be administraot but type:
> FONDUE.exe /enable-feature:NTVDM and click on
> install features.

While following this, I found out I made a mistake in selecting operating systems to use

NTVDM only works with 32bit systems. 64bit systems don't have this so it isn't
possible (as of this writing) to run 16bit doors. I guess I'll need to move the setup
to a Win7 system. (I have it currently running in an old Win2012R2 server
I had setup to test out things).


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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by BlaZ »

You can use GHost/2 to run those in DOSBox or DOSBox-X on a 64-bit OS. If the doorgame REQUIRES NTVDM (there are a couple) then you'd likely be out of luck. There is a NTVDM-64 project but I haven't messed with it and don't know much about it.


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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by lux »

Duckula wrote:
> GHost/2 now exists and is a project by one of our community members. It is
> designed as a replacement for gameserver.
> You can find it here: https://github.com/TheMajorBBS/GHost2

Will this version work for 6.25 as well?

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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by BlaZ »

Not unless somebody updates the 6.25 rlogin client module, which is what you currently need to connect to GHost/2. The stock client doesn't send the required string.


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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by daniel_spain »

BlaZ wrote:
> Not unless somebody updates the 6.25 rlogin client module, which is what
> you currently need to connect to GHost/2. The stock client doesn't send
> the required string.
> BlaZ

i modified it but most people use major tcp/ip and dont use the gcomm tcp/ip stack

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Re: Explains how to get 16 & 32 bit doors to run

Post by sduensin »

Does nobody provide a pre-compiled GHost/2 binary? Sad penguin.

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