Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by BlaZ »

Are you using the latest SMTP client that is included with the MBBS V10 installation? Other than some address formatting problems, I was able to get the new one to work with the DNSExit smarthost just fine.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by Ragtop »

I assume so. Installed v10 upgrade over v3.2 so it should have replaced everything that needed to be replaced. There has to be a setting somewhere I'm missing.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by BlaZ »

Have you searched your CNF4 for that IP address? Are you addressing the outgoing e-mails with the "" prefix?

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by Ragtop »

Yes and yes. No matter what I've changed., it keeps trying to connect to that same ip address instead of my smart host.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by Duckula »

This may be related to a wider issue. Another sysop has reported problems when using SMTP smart host. We will gather more details and look into it. Dan Spain may also be able to help.
-- Duckula

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by Ragtop »

I'm wondering if maybe he accidentally hard coded his ISP's address into it. Worked fine when he tested because it was connecting to his smart host. Won't work for anyone else though. Just a thought.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by Ragtop »

Has anyone had any luck with this? I've double checked all my settings with no luck. I then tried setting up outlook on the same computer to test. All mail sent through outlook sends and receives fine. Sent through WG with all the same settings it craps out. Is there a galsmtp i can get that definitely works? I have to think the problem is with the module since outlook works.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by daniel_spain »

Jeremiah Henry wrote:
> And for the sake of posterity (and everyone's sanity), I've since locked
> port 25 back down. I do not recommend opening that port long term. If you
> do, botnets will love you.
> Now on to the receiving side of things, could it be as simple as a proper
> MX record pointing to the BBS host address?

im working on that with smtp receive having to authenticate and it will use the bbs accounting system so you can "KEY"
accounts you know are live. i wrote the smtp sender back in 2013 and yes bots had over 8gb of send streams moving
i just havent had a chance to sit down and take a breath lately.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by daniel_spain »

Ragtop wrote:
> I'm wondering if maybe he accidentally hard coded his ISP's address into
> it. Worked fine when he tested because it was connecting to his smart host.
> Won't work for anyone else though. Just a thought.

nah i used it via verizon, comcast, and even my own host using synchyronet. nothing is hardcoded per se
but with more and more mail hosts requiring things like tls and such it could be an issue.
SMTPSEND only uses base64 encryption. i will look into this more and see. i run behind comcast business
which does not restrict smtp activity but i can route through some public bbs smtp servers i know of
and see if it shoots me any errors.

i originally wrote SMTPSEND (or actually modified) for my own personal use and other sysops wanted it and back in 2013
it worked. could be a QOL change needs to happen.

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Re: Troubleshooting SMTP Send Failed

Post by daniel_spain »

Ragtop wrote:
> Nope. I'm in Louisville. It's not changing when I change the smart host
> address so I'm wondering if it's pulling from a setting somewhere else or
> if it's hard coded in galsmtp somewhere.

i am gonna put up a public smtp relay server when the new motherboard arrives.
it does not use WG it will route through a linux box running synchronet and
i will use it to test some new changes i have made internally. the rfc guidelines
are not changed so the code itself is fine it is just the methodology used to
send/receive status codes needs to be rearranged. i will also be adding a
new "route chaser" audit option that will allow you to see the process start to finish
which will aid in testing.

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