LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by daniel_spain »

CorpPorThis wrote:
> daniel_spain wrote:
> Talk to
> > Micheal Pressler, he actually had the last contract with Metro
> > for T-lord and provided them with the latest build. heard he even had an
> unreleased
> > version. he may be able to shed some light on contact info
> > that could be more updated. his website is lordlegacy.org
> Hmm, those sites don't seem to work anymore and the one for Mike seems to have
> changed. Does anyone have an email for him to try?
> Thanks for helping to shed some light on all of this, Daniel.

thats too bad i actually used to talk to him years ago. no idea aside from Linkedin

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by Duckula »

I believe that one day things will fall into place and the code will surface, but I am an optimist.
-- Duckula

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by daniel_spain »

Duckula wrote:
> I believe that one day things will fall into place and the code will
> surface, but I am an optimist.

that is how the thief2 code surfaced.... not really the same concept but someone bought an old dreamcast dev kit and it was right there on the harddrive. imagine all
the bbs harddrives/data tapes lying around. especially from large isvs

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by daniel_spain »

just a retouch update on this... Seth Robinson has been trying to buy back the rights to these games for years and his full intent is to release the source codes to them. stumbled across some stuff and ran across a convo thread between seth and 2 fans.

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by CorpPorThis »

That would be awesome. I was able to get a hold of Metro/Gameport registration codes finally through William Hughes. Don't know what part he plays or had in all that, but at least they are not entirely radio-silent anymore.

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by daniel_spain »

CorpPorThis wrote:
> That would be awesome. I was able to get a hold of Metro/Gameport
> registration codes finally through William Hughes. Don't know what part he
> plays or had in all that, but at least they are not entirely radio-silent
> anymore.

to my understanding owner of the company is retired and has been a bit but a lot of the bbs stuff is handled
by the same people so as they are emailing back from official emails it fine.... on a side note, it is similar with Vircom
they got out of the bbs stuff years ago, and i do mean many, but some people within still remember those days and if the right
person handles the email will answer. i was able to get a full major tcp/ip activation code, dma server activation code,
and wg3 dma client activation code through the former big guy there who was actually the main architect behind their
mbbs/wg ip but a couple years before that a guy responded and was like he couldn't compile it anymore due to out dated
compilers but he could gen codes for me for $1500.00 a piece so telnet 1500, smtp 1500, and i was like but its only one code to
activate them all and he was like yeah so its like 7500 dollars. then 2 years later i luckily came across an old Ta97 conversation
and low and behold the big guy himself had just retired and was putting the old game back online for nostalgic sake and gave me
the full suite for nothing. so in the bbs-era of today you can get lucky, a lot of the old stuff is redundant in today's technology but when
paired with bbs-era tech it is a goldmine.
some authors want to release their stuff free, some want to sell, but a lot cannot even find the stuff anymore.

another guy rewrote major mud as a standalone mud called GreaterMud and it was his engine but using metro's databases and they never touched him and this was like what 10-12 years now its been online. hell look at Chris Sherrick and John Morris they both did trade wars versions in basic in the 80's and it took until 2004 to give people the ok to release modified versions or ports of their game. some people remember the hard work. to some its just old software but to others it was weeks/months/years of dedicated hard work to get something going.

this guy (doors.bbsdev.net) does nothing but port old bbs doors to current compilers/bbs or even standalone java script doors for SynchroNet, he is a very good resource for old bbs door stuff and even rewrote lord completely as a java script door (JDOOR) and releases all his source code publicly.
i am working on porting his lord jsdoor distro to a worldgroup module.

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by banjaxster »

Yes its too bad people cant register lord,lord 2 and planets anymore.
I do have registered lord,lord 2 and planets on my door game server and many older versions of lord
I have over 50 door games on my door game (synchronet BBS) server and most are registered from over the years since 1998 when CedarValley went online
If you want to logon my door game server its port 2323 create an account and check it out

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by CorpPorThis »

banjaxster wrote:
> Yes its too bad people cant register lord,lord 2 and planets anymore.
> I do have registered lord,lord 2 and planets on my door game server and
> many older versions of lord
> I have over 50 door games on my door game (synchronet BBS) server and most
> are registered from over the years since 1998 when CedarValley went online
> If you want to logon my door game server its port 2323
> create an account and check it out

You can register those doors still; I just did - although I am having a little difficultly with a runtime error only with LORDCFG when trying to register. It did take a LOT of time, searching and messages to finally get a contact able to provide the registration for those.

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by daniel_spain »

CorpPorThis wrote:
> banjaxster wrote:
> > Yes its too bad people cant register lord,lord 2 and planets anymore.
> > I do have registered lord,lord 2 and planets on my door game server and
> > many older versions of lord
> > I have over 50 door games on my door game (synchronet BBS) server and most
> > are registered from over the years since 1998 when CedarValley went online
> > If you want to logon my door game server its port 2323
> > create an account and check it out
> You can register those doors still; I just did - although I am having a little
> difficultly with a runtime error only with LORDCFG when trying to register. It did
> take a LOT of time, searching and messages to finally get a contact able to provide
> the registration for those.

download tppatch and patch it..... its a pentium 2+ bug in turbo pascal executables.

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Re: LORD, LORD II, Planets.. Metrop/Gameport -- Pulse check??

Post by BlaZ »

Nah, Dan. He's not getting the runtime 200 error. He's running the LORDCFG program in DOSBOX, which would already have eliminated that error. It's a different runtime error. I don't think LORD or LORDCFG were written in pascal anyway.

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