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Joined: Tue Mar 08, 2022 9:00 pm

Default Forum

Post by Montroze »

Well I'm still bouncing around with WG3.2 and back once more for my WG2.0 Dos. Wiped hard drive and installed 2.0 (win98)
and get this error "default forum NEWS not found, looked in the folder and the files are in it, tried changing it to "HELLO" but get that same news error. No modules have been added, well can't get by that error? ANy ideas? Thanks

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Location: Raleigh, NC

Re: Default Forum

Post by Questman »

Montroze wrote:
> Well I'm still bouncing around with WG3.2 and back once more for my WG2.0
> Dos. Wiped hard drive and installed 2.0 (win98)
> and get this error "default forum NEWS not found, looked in the folder
> and the files are in it, tried changing it to "HELLO" but get
> that same news error. No modules have been added, well can't get by that
> error? ANy ideas? Thanks

Probably because the config has NEWS as the default forum, but it's missing ? Is there a folder NEWS\ under the BBS dir?
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